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For the Nudist and Lensman in Every Guy


Friday, October 21, 2011

Manly Moments Can Come Anytime~

All things Photomasculine,
And the times and places
That bring men together.

 Show friends simply being themselves.

That classic morning erection, even before dawn.

Rising for the day.

 A kitchen corner in the morning.

Or, a little hardon pleasure still on the sheets.

Dawn's light starts flooding the living room.

A little diversion in the kitchen before breakfast.

 That morning wank by the east window.

Letting the manhood feel the first light of day.

 A moment's relaxing.

 Endowed and proud.
Endowed and appreciative of it.

All the housemates enjoying a shower together.

 Health and Pride combined.
 Outdoor manliness and fresh air.

 That perfect paeon for just showing a man's best.

 The underside of a bridge takes on new form and life.

The wild grasses offer Nature's couch.

 From rocky fields and hills...
 ...To one's own back yard.

The rockface by a beach cliff offers the perfect corner.

On the patio, rising to the new day.

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